
Four Border Abbeys (Kelso & Districts)

Jedburgh Abbey (left) founded in the 12th century by the Augustinians.
Kelso Abbey (above) founded in the reign of Alexander I of Scotland.

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Monthly Open Meetings

We meet at 2pm on the first Thursday of each month (except July and August) at Kelso Rugby Club. Meetings typically include social events or guest speakers on a wide variety of interesting topics – details are on the EVENTS page. You can socialise with other members and get information about all the Groups. There are free refreshments, a raffle, a book / DVD swap and a collection box for old ink jet cartridges to be recycled.

The meetings are free of charge for members and prospective members. The Rugby Club is fully accessible and there is ample parking at both the front and the rear entrances to the building. You are very welcome to join us!


These are Interest and Activity groups created and run by our u3a members. There are no qualifications or exams, just a sharing experience between members who want to learn, exercise or socialise together.

Members may be asked to pay a small amount for each session, if needed to cover costs: for example, room hire or refreshments.

Have a look at our extensive list of groups - from Badminton and Bridge for Beginners to Metal Detecting, from French Conversation to New Age Kurling. You can join as many groups as you like (subject to group capacity) - and if there is not a group which meets your specific interest, no problem! Just talk to our committee about setting one up. It’s a simple process and new Groups are always welcome. Click on the GROUPS page for more information about any individual group.

Join Four Border Abbeys

There is an annual subscription due each September, which is only £10 per member for the year 2024-2025.
Or if you are a member of another u3a and join as an Associate member, the fee is £5 annually.

To join us, please download the Application form on the Membership page, or contact our Membership Secretary via
the CONTACT US page. Application forms are also available at the Post Office (aka Brown's Newsagents) in Woodmarket in Kelso.


We are run by a Committee who are elected annually by the members. The Committee ensures that the Four Border Abbeys u3a runs smoothly and that all members are able to participate in our activities.

There are a number of roles on the committee which may suit your interests and skills. If you would like to find out more, please contact the Chair Person using the CONTACT US page on this website or just speak to one of the Committee.

Helpful Hints for this Website:
1. Any underlined words mean a link to more information. Just click on the word(s).
2. Click on any photograph to see it full size.